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Offering My Gifts & Affirming the Gifts of Others for 2018

  • By Mennonite Church of Normal
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  • September 6, 2017

Filling out these forms is a way of offering our time, gifts, interests, and talents to God and the congregation. Please return completed forms to the church office by Sunday, September 24th. Offering My Gifts for 2018  This form is one of the ways we offer ourselves to God and our congregation for the coming year. Please check ways in which you are willing to serve. Please note that not everyone that marks something gets asked each year which does not mean your help is not wanted, there sometimes isn’t that kind of need. Unless indicated by a *, marking […]

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Talk to the Church Board: Spending Plan

  • By Mennonite Church of Normal
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  • August 22, 2017

The Church Board is conducting regular (first Sunday of each quarter) times to make sure you are heard and to encourage your engagement in envisioning the activities that will help MCN fulfill its mission.  This will take place during the Adult Christian Education time. Our second quarterly session is August 27 and the topic is our Spending Plan. Reading these documents will help your prepare your response to the questions we will be addressing. Talk to the Church Board:  Spending Plan Frequently Asked Questions About MCN Finances The Church Board and the Financial Stewardship Committee value your thoughts and urge […]

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