Our Sermons

There are many text which address the topic of “Service”. It might be good preparation for Sunday to compile your list of ‘favorites’!
The sermon title is Mennonite Church of Normal Core Value #2: “Community”. Scripture readings include a Scriptural medley on community.
The sermon title is Mennonite Church of Normal Core Value #1: "Personal Commitment to Jesus Christ." Scripture readings include John 14:1-7, I Corinthians 3:9-11, and Acts 17:18, 22-28.  In 2011,…

April 28, 2019
The texts from Matthew, taken together, represent the way we are to "be a blessing" to all. How does this vision and these instructions inform our congregation?
The Easter message this year pivots around the question in Luke 24:5, "Why do you look for the living among the dead?" The language for Sunday will be a little…

The Bottom Line(s)

April 14, 2019
The segment of Jesus' life that we call Passion Week spans an incredible range of events and emotions. It begins with the Triumphal Entry (Palm Sunday) and ends with the…
The sermon title is Things Which are Real but Not Yet Seen and the Scripture is Isaiah 43:16-21 and Philippians 3:10-14. Pastor Tim Schrag comments, "During the sermon I’ll show…
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