Our Sermons

Generosity and Our Whole Selves

September 11, 2017
The sermon title is Generosity and Our Whole Selves and the Scripture is Romans 12:1-8. Pastor Tim Schrag comments “I strongly encourage you to come to God in prayer, seeking…

805 S. Cottage, and Generosity

September 5, 2017
The sermon title is 805 S. Cottage, and Generosity and the Scripture is 1 Kings 8:25-27a and 1 Corinthians 3:16-17. Pastor Tim Schrag comments “God has greatly blessed us with…

Generosity and Money

August 28, 2017
The sermon title is Generosity and Money and the Scripture is John 10:7-10. Pastor Tim Schrag comments, "I will be suggesting that we promote a theology of prosperity, but not…

To See Over the Horizon

August 21, 2017
The sermon title is To See Over the Horizon and the Scripture is Matthew 15:21-28. Pastor Tim Schrag comments, “This text seems to invite us to consider the theologically scandalous…
Jan Miller will be giving the sermon, "Faith, What's It All About?" The scriptures will be from Mark 10:46-52, and Psalm 40:8-11. Mark tells a wonderful story of faith and…

Messianic Citizenship

July 30, 2017
Lynette Miller preached this Sunday. The sermon title was “Messianic Citizenship.” What does it mean to live in the Kingdom of the Messiah and how do we participate as citizens…
The high school youth group reported back from their trip to MCUSA Convention 2017 with the theme of "Love is a Verb." Their reflections include both highlights of the convention…
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