Youth Program
MCN considers the nurture of our congregational youth to be of utmost importance. Through regular times of Christian education, fellowship and worship, congregational youth are encouraged in the growth of their faith lives.
We desire for our youth to grow in knowledge of the Bible and church history. We long for each young person to choose to follow Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior, and to cultivate lifelong discipleship through spiritual practices like Bible reading, prayer, worship, and service to others.
Junior Mennonite Youth Fellowship
Grades 6-8
Sponsors: Darvis and Shelly King; David and Abby Warfel
Weekly on Sunday night 5:00-6:45 pm
Junior High Christian Education
Grades 6-8
Teacher: Laura Dick
Weekly on Sunday morning, 11:00-11:45 am
Mennonite Youth Fellowship
Grades 9-12
Sponsors: Gabriella Harnish; Lauren Satchwell; Jeremy Haab
Meets regularly at 5:00 pm on Sunday evenings
High School Christian Education
Grades 9-12
Weekly on Sunday morning, 11:00-11:45 am