Our Sermons

Food for the Journey

February 4, 2018
The sermon title is "Food for the Journey" and the Scripture is James 1:3-4; 12. Pastor Tim Schrag comments, "How might the 'Last Supper' be nourishment for us through life,…
The sermon title is "The Prayer of Faith and Healing" and the Scripture is James 5:13-16 . Pastor Tim Schrag comments, "This text interweaves faith, prayer, healing, confession, and forgiveness. …

Born Again, Twice

January 21, 2018
Pastor Tim Schrag comments, "Consider how the text imagines two ‘births’. Neither is inevitable. Which is happening within you?"

Truth or Consequences

January 14, 2018
The sermon title is Truth or Consequences and the Scripture is James 5:19-20.
The sermon title is The Light that Was, and is to Come and the Scripture is Isaiah 60:1-3 and Matthew 2:1-12.

Steady Hope

December 31, 2017
The sermon title is Steady Hope and the Scripture is Luke 2:22-40.

December 24, 2017
The sermon title is Expectancy! and the Scripture is Luke 1:26-38. Pastor Tim Schrag comments, “We will think together about what difference being ‘expectant’ makes.”
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