Our Sermons

The Chemistry of Witness

January 22, 2017
What ‘flavor’ do you bring into your social settings?
The petitions of the Lord's prayer are in the plural. Changing the plurals to the singular can be revealing.

January 8, 2017
The faith of Jacob seems as if he is always prone to hedge his bets. What kind of faith is that? And yet in the end, he is held up…
There are several themes here.  What do to with ‘wise men from the East’? Once again, more dreams!  And the threat to the Messiah from a threatened political ruler.  A…

Handle with Care

December 25, 2016
In those days when Jesus was born, infant mortality was a prominent reality.What a fragile beginning for the Kingdom of God!Are all ‘beginnings’ in God’s Kingdom so fragile and tender?

A Third Way

December 18, 2016
Often when there are two options, there is also a third possibility....or more.  We will consider Joseph and his options in dealing with a pregnant fiancé.
Five miracles of 'healing' are listed in Matthew 11:5.  Each is physical and individual in nature. But what about the last 'sign' of that verse?"
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