On Common Ground

January 6, 2019
The sermon title is On Common Ground and the Scripture is Matthew 2:1-12. Pastor Tim Schrag comments, “What shall we make of the fact that [ritually unclean] astrologers are directed…

Psalm 148

December 30, 2018
The Scripture is Psalm 148. Pastor Tim Schrag comments, “The service this Sunday will be an extended expression of praise and worship, with elements of the visual, sung, and spoken…

Advent: Always Needed

December 16, 2018
The sermon title is Advent: Always Needed and the Scripture is Philippians 4:2-9; Luke 3:7-18. Pastor Tim Schrag comments, "The Philippians text offers an example of a community already knowing…

Voices from the Future

December 2, 2018
The sermon title is Voices from the Future and the Scripture is Luke 21:25-36. Pastor Tim Schrag comments, “The Bible testifies to an ‘assured future’ which is in part already…

However, At Times

November 25, 2018
The sermon title is However, At Times and the Scripture is Luke 18:9-12 and 2 Corinthians 9:8-11. Pastor Tim Schrag comments, “A spiritual exercise:  List everything for which you are…
