Reflections from youth

July 14, 2019
Sunday’s service is youth-planned and led. They, and some of the adult delegates to Mennonite Convention 2019, will share highlights of their week with us, along with music the youth…

Reflections from youth

July 14, 2019
Sunday’s service is youth-planned and led. They, and some of the adult delegates to Mennonite Convention 2019, will share highlights of their week with us, along with music the youth…

Reflections from youth

July 14, 2019
Sunday’s service is youth-planned and led. They, and some of the adult delegates to Mennonite Convention 2019, will share highlights of their week with us, along with music the youth…

Beyond perserverance

June 30, 2019
[audio mp3=""][/audio] Also worth reading as preparation for sermon are these texts from Jeremiah (among others):  chapter 7, 9:1-6, chapter 12, 15:10-21, chapters 31-33; Lamentations chapter 1

The Second Text

June 23, 2019
How does the created world contribute to teach us the lessons of mature Christian faith and life? How can we be aware, reverent and full of care for nature without…

With us always

June 16, 2019
The theme is Jesus experiencing the life we do (including hardship, grief, and suffering), and from that deep identification with our humanity, offering us divine presence and hope.  There are…

For our times…

June 9, 2019
How might the Holy Spirit be stirring us 'in these days', with the outcome Peter quotes from Joel, "everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved"?
"Peace on earth" was the announcement of the angels concerning Jesus.  Today we ponder what that might mean for us, "Peace" as a Core Value of the Mennonite Church of…
