Bible Text: John 20:10-20 | Preacher: Pastor Tim Schrag | Series: True Story Series I intend to share in the sermon several Biblical metaphors that mean a lot to me:…
Bible Text: Luke 8: 40-56 Crowds are very powerful. For example, they are the force behind ‘home team advantage’ in ballgames. They also cause riots and lynchings, as well as…
Bible Text: Matthew 5:13-17 | Preacher: Pastor Tim Schrag | Series: True Story Series Here, for a change is anout-of-the-box TED talk, which I'll referene during the sermon. I think…
Bible Text: Peter 1:3-4; Romans1:1-7 | Preacher: Pastor Tim Schrag Due to the True Story calendar, we’ll consider the resurrection twice in 4 weeks. The Easter sermon ponders if “Easter”…
Bible Text: Luke 4:1-13 | Preacher: Pastor Tim Schrag I think it likely Satan tempts us most successfully, by inviting us just do what seems natural and normal, without pausing…
Bible Text: I Samuel 8:1-22 | Preacher: Pastor Matt Hickman | Series: True Story Series
Bible Text: Joshua 1: 13-15; Hebrews 3:18-4:2 It is fruitful to also read I Kings 8:56-51, looking references to ‘rest’.
Bible Text: Deuteronomy 28:1-2;15 Consider the contrast between the covenant found in Genesis 15 and Deuteronomy 28. We sometimes use the phrases ‘conditional love’ and ‘unconditional love’. What do you…
Bible Text: Genesis 12:1-6; Hebrews 11:8-16 Notice the sense of pilgrimage. Is 'being settled' a worthy goal, or a subtle temptation? This accompanying quilt design is referred to in the…