Jesus desired to gather Jerusalem inhabitants, as a hen gathers its chicks
Bible Text: Mathew 4:1-11 | This is the first Sunday of Lent. Jesus begins his Lenten journey with 40 days in the wilderness, where he is confronted by the devil.…
Bible Text: Ruth 4:1-15 Romans 12:1-8 | Ruth is defined by the three strikes society called against her: gender, marital status, and ethnicity. If we have not experienced strikes being…
Bible Text: Ruth 3:1-18 | Our Ruth series, God provides, we decide, continues by considering the Boaz character. By mentioning Boaz’ mother, Rahab (an outsider!), the writer begs us to…
Bible Text: Ruth 1:19-2:20 | Naomi blamed Yahweh for her suffering and pain. Though theologically incorrect, it was appropriate. God desires our emotional honesty. When life seems hopeless, God can…