Our Sermons

Careful Choices

April 30, 2017
Verse 18 of this text was long a 'poster child' cited by slave owners. It is a classically 'difficult text'.   How do you interpret it?
How do you think Peter would characterize us today, compared to Acts 2:40?  What earned them the title of a ‘corrupt generation’

The Plot is Always Thick

April 9, 2017
The message will consider the complexities that led to various understandings of Jesus, complexities not unlike the world in which we live.

Still Be My Vision

April 2, 2017
Like the Blind Man and like the writer of Be Thou My Vision, we, too, may long for healing and transformation. Jesus is the Source of that for which we…

More Than Zombies

March 26, 2017
What a picture as Lazarus emerges from the grave, alive and still bound up!  More needed to happen!

Water, For All?

March 19, 2017
Read verses 3 and 4 of John 4.  Why did Jesus 'have to go through Samaria', when another route was available?  What does that imply for us?
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