Keeping Covenant Central

March 4, 2018
The sermon title is “Keeping Covenant Central” and the Scripture is Exodus 20:1-17 from the New Revised Standard Version. Reverend Joe Culpepper comments, “Have you revisited the Ten Commandments lately?…

Pathways from the Past

February 25, 2018
The sermon title is "Pathways from the Past" and the Scripture is Psalm 22: 23-31; Genesis 17:1-7;15-16; Romans 4:16-17. Pastor TIm Schrag, "We unconsciously ‘inherit’ so much of our patterned…

All or Nothing

February 18, 2018
This Sunday is the first Sunday of Lent. The Scripture is Psalm 25:1-10, Genesis 9:8-17, and Psalm 36:5-9. An everlasting covenant is made between God, the people, and every living…

Echoes from Valentine’s Day

February 11, 2018
The sermon title is “Echoes from Valentine’s Day” and the Scripture is Mark 10:35-45. Pastor Tim Schrag comments, “In our close relationships, we are sometimes at our best, and sometimes at…

Food for the Journey

February 4, 2018
The sermon title is "Food for the Journey" and the Scripture is James 1:3-4; 12. Pastor Tim Schrag comments, "How might the 'Last Supper' be nourishment for us through life,…
The sermon title is "The Prayer of Faith and Healing" and the Scripture is James 5:13-16 . Pastor Tim Schrag comments, "This text interweaves faith, prayer, healing, confession, and forgiveness. …

Born Again, Twice

January 21, 2018
Pastor Tim Schrag comments, "Consider how the text imagines two ‘births’. Neither is inevitable. Which is happening within you?"

Steady Hope

December 31, 2017
The sermon title is Steady Hope and the Scripture is Luke 2:22-40.
